Sunday, August 28, 2011

Rolleicord Va

Film: Kodak Tmax 100 expired
Developer: Ilfotec DD-X (1+4)
Timing: 7 mins at 20 Celcius

Friday, August 19, 2011

FA 50mm f2.8 macro

After getting the FA 100mm f2.8, I decided to get the FA 50mm f2.8 too. The bokeh is not as good as FA 100mm f2.8, but it's definitely sharper than FA 100mm f2.8. People said this lens is probably the sharpest 50mm lens Pentax has ever made.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Friday, August 12, 2011

Bandung trip

Braga (MZ-5n, K 24mm f2.8, Portra 160VC)
Ciater   (MZ-5n, K 24mm f2.8, Ektar)

Ilford FP4 Plus

Good black and white film for landscape.

Film: Ilford FP4 Plus exposed at ASA 125
Developer: D76
Filter: yellow, red