Saturday, July 23, 2011

Kuda Kepang at Malay Village

This event was held on 23rd July at Malay Village, Geylang Serai.

Kuda Kepang/Kuda Lumping
The dance was once a form of totemic worship and had strong links with spirit possession. Once they are in trance conditions, they can display unusual abilities, such as eating glass and resistance of whipping.

Opening prayer and cutting the tumpeng, a cone-shaped rice dish like mountain, traditionally featured in the slamatan ceremony

Tari Golek Ayun-Ayun

The dance, which originated in Jogjakarta, is a welcoming dance to welcome the guest of honor.

Kroncong Music and Gamelan Orchestra

Kroncong is a musical style that typically makes use of kroncong sound (chrong-chrong-chrong) comes from an ukulele-type instrument, now considered as old-fashioned folk music by most youth. Gamelan is musical ensemble which normally played as background music for dance or kroncong music.

Other dances


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Lucky SHD 100

Film: Lucky SHD 100 exposed at ASA 100
Developer: Ilfotec DD-X (1+4)
Timing: 5 mins at 22 Celcius, 10s agitation every min