Saturday, November 27, 2010

Panorama shots

Few beginner attempts at taking panorama shots. Using AutoStitch software

12 frames (2 rows x 6 columns), using SMC 28mm f3.5

24 frames (3 rows x 6 columns), using SMC 28mm f3.5

Monday, November 15, 2010

Vivitar Series 1 105mm f2.5

This is one of the best macro lenses out there. It produces sharp images and great creamy bokeh. It's quite difficult to find one in PKA mount, definitely a keeper lens! There are several variations of this lens, all sharing the same optical formula, 6 elements /6 groups:  Lester A Dine 105mm f2.8, Vivitar 100mm f2.8, and Kiron 105mm f2.8.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Anime Festival Asia X

I went to Suntec City Convention Centre, where AFAX was held. It's very crowded, compared to cosplay at Downtown East last time. Most of the shots were taken using manual focus lenses.

The cosplayers:

The contest:

The exhibition: