Sunday, September 19, 2010

Raynox DCR-250

I borrowed this from a friend. It is different from extension tube where you put the tube between camera body and lens. We use Raynox DCR-250 in similar manner to filter, so we put it in front of the lens. It comes with a clip on adapter, so we can mount it on any lens with filter size between 52mm and 67mm. If you want to use it on lens with filter size less then 52mm, you can use a step up ring.

I tried to put the Raynox DCR-250 on my Sigma 70-300mm f4-5.6 APO DG. When I use the lens at 300mm and 1:2 macro, the distance between the lens and object is around 50cm, but with Raynox DCR-250 mounted, the distance becomes 5-6 cm only.

Here are some shots taken using the combo.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Vivitar 2x Macro Focusing Tele Converter

Finally, I have time to try the macro focusing tele converter. It can convert your 50mm prime lens into 100mm with macro capability that goes into 1:1. This one is in PK mount, there is another variant which comes in PKA mount.

I went to botanical garden and shot some insects using this converter and SMC Pentax M 50mm f1.7.  Some shots taken using this combo :

DIY Softbox

Finally, it's my first DIY softbox. I saw this idea somewhere from the internet and decided to give it a try. I spent S$ 10-20 for the materials.

After spending around 1 hour, it became like this.

I tried to do some macro shooting, so brought this softbox and yongnuo 560 mounted on the hotshoe. First few shots on flowers and plants :

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Porst Color Reflex MC Auto 55mm f1.2

Bought this second hand lens from ebay, it came together with a camera. The ebay listing page for this camera was in German and no information about the lens mount was given. Another listing for the same lens without the camera was around S$ 350. I got it at much cheaper price.

Here are some shots taken using this lens

wide open

More shots

wide open
f8, built in flash with diffuser
Tried this lens during night street shoot, I found that the focusing need to be calibrated. Nevertheless the lens gave nice color and bokeh.

These pics were taken wide open. It's quite sharp but I feel it's less sharp than my SMC 50mm f1.2 and Revuenon 55mm f1.2.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Super Takumar 50mm f1.4

Bought this second hand lens from ebay. It's in M42 mount. This lens is the first version of Super Takumar 50mm f1.4 and it had 8 lens elements instead of 7/6 as in the later version. It's quite rare to find. The early version can be identified by the red strip mark on the DOF scale, it's located on the right of numeral 4 while it's on the left in the later version. The early version's aperture switch is also labeled as A M instead of Auto Man as in the later version.

 Some shots taken using this lens

wide open, ISO 200
f2.8, ISO 200
f2.8, ISO 200

wide open, ISO 200, wrong auto white balance

cropped from the previous image
wide open, ISO 200, closer distance
f8 with built in flash

Some portraits shots taken using this lens, mostly taken at f1.4 to f2.8 :

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Monthly Pentaxian Outing : September

The outing was held on September 11th at Wessex Estate. More than 30 pentaxians were there.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

MC Zenitar Fisheye 16mm f2.8

Bought this Russian lens from ebay, it's in PK mount. Even it's written as brand new old stock, when I received the lens, there's a red thin fibre on the front glass, but I supposed that wasn't fungus, perhaps a coating problem. The seller did offer me to send back the lens for replacement, but I think there won't be any guarantee that the new replacement lens will be free from defect, somemore I need to wait for another 4-6 weeks, so for the meanwhile, I'll keep the lens.